Also known as the National Library of the Netherlands
The National Library of the Netherlands is based in The Hague, founded in 1798. The KB collects everything that appears in and about the Netherlands, from medieval literature to today’s publications. About 7 million publications are stored in the warehouse, including books, newspapers and magazines.
The National Library also provides a CMS platform, based on Adobe Experience Manager to most of the libraries in the Netherlands on which they can set up their websites.
I help the National Library in the following areas:
Adobe Experience Manager
- Support both internally (staff) and externally (public libraries) with the platform that was created on top of AEM and AEM’s diverse functionalities.
- AEM 6.X comes with the new TouchUI, that was not rolled out yet. I picked up the initiative to manage this project.
Since most (all) teams are still following an ‘old fashioned’ deployment programme, I thought it would be best to introduce CI/CD, like I did with VodafoneZiggo.
This will give us less risk, faster time to market, better testing, smaller increments and way less expensive releases.
Adobe Analytics
Again, support both internally (staff) and externally (public libraries) with the use of Adobe Analytics, settings up nice dashboards, understanding the tool. But also practical setup of campaigns in Adobe Experience Manager to be tracked in Adobe Analytics. I also support the Adobe Analytics trainings.
Adobe DTM / Launch
When I started working for the National Library, they were still using Adobe DTM. Together with a consultant from Digital Power, I migrated all the properties from Adobe DTM to Adobe Launch.